Current Member Forms
Membership Fee
This is the membership due that must be paid each semester to be part of the team.
$30 for recreational
$60 for competition riders
$15 Subsidy Riders
Click here to pay
Once you join our team, you have to add yourself the Claremont Equestrian Team on Engage. This is required by the school.
Placement Form
This placement form is only required for new riders that are committed to joining the team.
Apply to be part of administration!
Britt and Irene work really hard to manage the team, but Irene is the captain and a senior. She is going to be super busy and the two of them would appreciate if some new team members stepped up and helped. It is a great experience. Click Here to learn more!
Availability Form
At this time please contact the coach directly to schedule lessons
Waiver (Required at the Beginning of the Year)
Please Fill out the Equestrian Team Waiver
Join the CET Leadership Team!
Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.